
The Dumposaurus website is available “as is” with zero warranties or representations, express or implied. Dumposaurus makes zero warranties or representations related to the website or the materials or info distributed by this website.

Dumposaurus strives to keep all information on this website up to date, accurate and true in high quality. However, rates, costs, regulations, different markets we serve, and more are constantly changing and it may take days or weeks for us to learn of the changes and update this website. So Dumposaurus cannot promise that the website is always available, or available at all; or that the info on the site is always up to date.

In no way does this website mean to provide advice of any kind. (If you need advice in relation to any (medical, financial, or legal) matter you must seek advice from the appropriate professional).

1. Limitations of liability

Dumposaurus will never be liable to you (under contract law, tort law, or otherwise) related to the information on this website, or the use of the information, or in connection with this website: for any indirect, or consequential loss; or any loss of revenue, income, profit, anticipated savings, business relationships, loss of goodwill, or corruption of information or data, or any other business loss.

The mentioned limitations of liability will always apply even if Dumposaurus has specifically been advised of any potential loss.

2. Exceptions

In no way will Dumposaurus be liable for, nor provide implied warranty, nor exclude the limit of Dumposaurus’s liability regarding any: death or personal injury caused by Dumposaurus’s negligence; fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation on behalf of Dumposaurus; situation where it would be illegal or unlawful for Dumposaurus to exclude or limit its liability.

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In using the website, the limitations of liability and exclusions stated are agreed by you to be accepted and reasonable. If you believe they are not reasonable, stop using this website immediately.

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